SSL Certificate
Deploy an SSL certificate to enable HTTPS encryption of websites, trusted identity authentication and prevent against data leaks or tampering during transmission.
Get SSL Certificate >Verify email address only Issue instantly within 3-5 minutes Suitable for personal authentication Support maximum validity to 2 years Offer digital signature, end-to-end encryption
Verify email address and organization info Issue soon within 3-7 business days perfect for individuals or small businesses Support maximum validity to 2 years Offer digital signature, end-to-end encryption
to prevent from spoofing and phishing attacks
to protect email contents both in transit and at rest
Personal S/MIME Certificate
Used for personal email
Suitable for personal authentication
Verify email address only
Support maximum validity to 3 years
Issue instantly within just 3-5 minutes
Offer digital signature, end-to-end encryption
Available in client authentication
Digitally sign Microsoft Office and OpenOffice documents
Pro S/MIME Certificate
Used for personal & corporate email
perfect for individuals or small businesses
Verify email address and organization info
Support maximum validity to 3 years
Issue soon within 3-7 business days
Offer digital signature, end-to-end encryption
Available in client authentication
Digitally sign Microsoft Office and OpenOffice documents
The email with a digital signature will showcase your own unique digital stamp that on one else can use. This allows your recipient to verify your identity and quickly know they are not getting phished.
S/MIME certificate uses the recipient’s public key to encrypt the email; only the intended recipient’s private key can decrypt the email. This assures the contents of the email safe from any changes both in transit and at rest!
S/MIME certificate, also named Client certificate, can authenticate the user identity to access to organization system or application without any password or other input, avoiding being compromised by traditional means.
An email signing certificate is available to digitally signing Microsoft Office document for get an assurance that the recipient can verify the document is coming from you and if it's been tampered with.
To secure email which is set up between the FDA and external entities, CBER-generated regulatory communications sent by email will only be sent to recipients via secure email. The S/MIME certificate is your best option.
Your authenticated identity by S/MIME certificate shows clearly to the recipient, and indicates him that you are not phisher or cybercriminal. It avoids damaging your reputation and keeps a good business with your partners or customers.
FAQs on SSL Certificates
S/MIME certificates use asymmetric encryption to encrypt and secure your emails. To ensure that email and its attachments transmitted between sender and recipient & stored at email server are protected, these validation options use PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) to do the following: You will use the public key for authentication and the private key to generate the digital signature. This certificate will help the recipient understand that the email has not been altered or tampered with.
S/MIME certificate can be utilized in the following email clients:
You can get an S/MIME certificate from Certificate Authority. You just have to prove the email ownership. If you need a Pro email signing certificate, more validation files are required, for example, organization information. Once you do this completely, CA will send you the email certificate that you can import to your email client.
To get more email security solutions, please choose your right S/MIME certificates from right now!
Yes. However, you shall install firstly your certificate on the device or other clients, and then you can read S/MIME encrypted emails on the mobile device.