SSL Certificate
Deploy an SSL certificate to enable HTTPS encryption of websites, trusted identity authentication and prevent against data leaks or tampering during transmission.
Get SSL Certificate >Web Security Support
The article will show you the following instructions of SSL certificate installation for Microsoft IIS 7 server. OK, let's start!
Download a Zip-archive including your certificate from your NicSRS account. In the Zip-archive, the IIS folder contains your certificate file named with your_domain_name.pfx, a .key file, and password.txt.
If your certificate is not PFX format, please use the tool Convert Your SSL to change the appropriate format for IIS.
1. Launch IIS Manager
Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Alternatively, access it via Win+R > inetmgr > OK.
2. Select your server name
In the left Connections menu, select the server name (host) where you want to install the certificate.
3. Navigate to the Security section
In the center menu, click the Server Certificates icon under the Security section near the bottom.
4. Click Complete Certificate Request
In the Actions right-side section, click Complete Certificate Request.
5. Browse to your Server Certificate
In the Complete Certificate Request wizard, click “…” to browse and select Your Server Certificate file that was previously saved on your server's desktop.
6. Name your certificate
Enter a Friendly Name which is an internal reference name to distinguish the file later. We recommend including the CAs name and expiration date. Finally, click OK.
The imported certificate is now shown in the list of Server Certificates. Now you will need to assign or bind the certificate to your appropriate website.
1. Access your Sites folder
In the Connections menu, select your webserver, expand the Sites menu and choose the website you want to assign the certificate to.
2. Click Bindings
Then, click Bindings in the Actions section.
3. Click Add
In Site Bindings window, click Add.
Note: If you already have the appropriate site binding created, click “Edit” and change the SSL Certificate accordingly.
4. Input the following
In Add Site Bindings, enter the following parameters:
Type – https
IP Address – All unassigned or your IP address
Port – 443
SSL Certificates – friendly name of the SSL certificate you just installed.
You can always click “View” to confirm the certificates validity details.
5. Click OK
Click OK and the new binding to your live website has been successfully created.
Congratulations! You've successfully installed an SSL certificate on Microsoft IIS 7. To check your work, visit the website in your browser at https://yourdomain.tld and view the certificate/site information to see if HTTPS/SSL is working properly. Remember, you may need to restart your server for changes to take effect.
To check your server's configurations more thoroughly, use our SSL Checker Tool or contact our Customer Services Department for additional assistance.