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How to Use a Single SSL Certificate to Secure Multiple Domains

How to Use a Single SSL Certificate to Secure Multiple Domains

SSL Certificate

Wildcard SSL Certificate

Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Certificates

Multi Domain Certificate

In the common scenario where a website/ business owner with multiple websites may want to use one certificate for protection, some optional certificates can satisfy their needs.


Amy 2024-11-28 16:51:49

Domain Transfer vs. DNS Update: What's the Difference?

Domain Transfer vs. DNS Update: What's the Difference?

domain transfer



In this article we explain some commonly used terminologies surrounding the transfer of domain names and records. Some of the information provided here is based on the assumption that you are opening a web hosting account using a domain name that you already own.


Claire Y. 2023-12-28 03:40:53

What is the Relationship Between Domains, Websites and IP Addresses?

What is the Relationship Between Domains, Websites and IP Addresses?



IP Addresses


The relationship between domains, websites, and IP addresses forms the foundation of the World Wide Web, facilitating the effortless navigation and retrieval of information from across the globe. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between them and explain the mechanisms that make the Internet function seamlessly.


Catherine 2023-07-21 06:28:42